Study Drugs are not good


The pressure to obtain good academic scores is high among college students, there is the task to finish assignments, projects, do well in exams, and so on. With so much stress building up, comes the abuse of study drugs.

Study drugs are also called smart drugs, nootropics, cognitive enhancers, and neuro-enhancers. These are prescription stimulants prescribed to treat narcolepsy, ADHD, and ADD. These drugs are misused by not only college students but anyone who is seeking to acquire a mental boost for increased energy and concentration.

The reason why students use study drugs is to increase mental capacity, to absorb and retain more information within a short span of time, to get good grades. The commonly abused study drugs are


It is used to treat narcolepsy and ADHD as prescribed by the doctor in healthy doses, college students use it to pass exams and complete assignments. They also use it to enhance athletic performance, get high, and lose weight.


It is used to treat narcolepsy and ADHD and students use it to ace exams, assignments, get high, and lose weight.


It is used to treat narcolepsy and ADHD, students take it to get the effect of increased concentration and energy. The enhanced focus is because of release of norepinephrine and dopamine from the drug. Excessive use changes brain chemistry leading to irregular sleep patterns and risky behavior.


It is used to treat narcolepsy and ADHD, students use it to increase energy, productivity, and focus. When students get addicted to it, they become dependent on it and want the drug more. The dependency is because of the change in the brain’s reward system.

The other commonly abused study drugs are Provigil, Vyvanse, and Focalin.

It is important to remember that study drugs are not safe, the side effects are severe, it can cause stroke, seizures, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, and high blood pressure.

The main intention to abuse study drugs is to perform well in college, these drugs increase levels of dopamine, and once students stop taking these, they experience a crash. It is reported that students have fallen asleep in the exam hall taking these drugs. Some students have even said, they feel extremely tired, anxious, sad, and hopeless after taking the drug. The dependency comes from the feel-good effect after taking the drug, getting off it is the tough part, once off the drug, he/she will experience a crash and the feeling is unpleasant.

There is a lot of expectations from students to perform well, to secure a good high-paying job. The high amount of pressure on students is compelling them to take study drugs, which have harmful consequences. There are ways in which students can excel academically without depending on study drug abuse or any kind of abuse.

Ways to tackle college stress to avoid study drugs:

It is important for students to feel excited and enthusiastic about college, browse through subjects they want to major in. Let it sink in. Picture university life as something that is academically interesting and fun.

It is important for students to build self-confidence, analyze their skills and positive qualities, and don’t pay too much attention to negative-thinking and negative thought.

It is normal for university students to feel pressure, because there is so much to do, such as assignments, tests, exams, projects, research, part-time work and so on. Now time-management is the key, whenever there is time, write down the tasks that need to be done, and how much time is needed to do these tasks.

Positive thinking is important when you are faced with challenges, use positive phrases such as this is my dream, I am going to fulfill it, I am passionate about this subject, I will enjoy studying it and my university life is going to be amazing and worth it, I will secure a fantastic job in the future, my aim is to develop leadership qualities and become an entrepreneur. You can have your own positive phrase.

It is all about developing self-confidence and positive thinking that will enable students to effectively handle university stress without the thought of getting into study drug abuse, prescription drug abuse, or any kind of abuse.

For students who have ADHD consult with the doctor on a healthy dose of medication.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, courses are conducted through online means, it is important to take safety precautions, and take care of your health.