Showing Empathy to Someone with Shy Bladder Syndrome

During the weekend or on a holiday it is fun to head out, and when a person needs to use the washroom, they will go and use it. However, for some using public restroom is a task and this is due to a condition called paruresis or shy bladder syndrome.

Shy bladder referred to as paruresis is a condition where a person feels afraid to use the restroom when other people are around. They feel afraid to use public restroom and avoid traveling and socializing much. A person with shy bladder feels afraid to use the restroom even at home when there are guests. What makes a person afraid to use the restroom in public places? It happens because the sphincter muscles which is the muscles that control flow of urine from bladder tighten, and this makes it impossible to urinate.

These are the symptoms of shy bladder

The fear of traveling or going to work to avoid having to use the restroom.

Experiencing symptoms of anxiety when having to use the restroom such as shaking, fast heart rate, sweating, and fainting.

Using the restroom at home frequently in order to avoid using it outside.

Going home during lunch breaks to use the rest room.

Consuming less fluids in order to avoid using the washroom in public places.

It can be uncomfortable for someone who is afraid to use public restroom. It is necessary to identify what causes shy bladder. The common causes are

Genetic predisposition to anxiety.

A person who has been bullied or harassed with regard to using the restroom.

It is common for people with paruresis to have other mental health conditions such as social anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and depression.

Medical conditions that affect the ability to use the toilet.

Family history of anxiety disorders.

Having a tough childhood where a person was bullied for using the rest room.

When a patient was not able to provide urine sample at doctor’s office there is a likelihood of developing paruresis.

The main triggers for paruresis are anxiety, fear of embarrassment, and fear of germs

Relaxation techniques to fight anxiety and overcome Paruresis:

Mindfulness mediation:

Mindfulness is about living in the present moment without any judgement. This practice helps in eliminating negativity and slowing down racing thoughts. It involves focusing on the present. A good way to practice mindfulness meditation is find a comfortable place to sit and ensure that the head, back, and neck is straight and not stiff. To be comfortable wear loose clothing. The goal of mindfulness mediation is to be in the present and focus on breathing. It is about paying attention to the body and thoughts and feelings. After finding a comfortable place to sit focus on breathing and body sensations. While breathing it is natural for the mind to wander and it is common to feel unwanted thoughts. The aim is to not judge thoughts and feelings but to accept them and let it pass. It is not about stopping thoughts but acknowledging thoughts and not judging them. Let the thoughts pass and after that focus on breathing. Mindfulness meditation can be practiced for ten to twenty minutes.

This treatment is helpful in overcoming pain, depression, and anxiety. It also helps reduce heart rate, stress, improve sleep, and immunity.

Deep breathing exercise:

Find a comfortable place to sit with back straight and elbows positioned slightly backward leaving room for the chest to expand. Take slow deep breaths by inhaling through the nose, then hold the breath for five seconds and then slowly exhale through the nose.

Visualization exercise:

Find a comfortable place to sit and wear loose clothing, close your eyes and keep your mind relaxed. While relaxing create an image in the mind that is calming, and this picture can be a place, or an object and it can be real or imaginary. It can be an actual location or something scenic such as mountains or beach. Try to get into the scene or portrayal as much as possible and imagine you are in that place having a good time. While picturing an object or scene close your eyes and take slow deep breaths and focus on breathing. This exercise can be done for ten to twenty minutes.

Quick muscle relaxation:

Quick muscle relaxation helps reduce muscle tension. Find a cozy place to sit and wear comfortable clothes. Close your eyes and take slow deep breaths by slowly inhaling and exhaling. While taking deep breaths close your fist tightly, hold the fist tightly and observe the tension and then slowly release the fingers and you will observe tension leaving the body. You will notice that your palm will feel lighter and relaxed.

It is important to remember that paruresis can be managed. The treatment for paruresis is medication and psychotherapy. It is necessary to first check with the doctor to rule out medical causes. There should be awareness on paruresis, and people should be able to speak about it openly without the fear of being judged.

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